Thursday, April 22, 2010

Staying Sane as Entrepreneur in the D'

It's defintely not a feat for the timid to be minority entrepreneur in the Motor City. In some ways, it can be exhilirating that is if your into climbing K2 without oxygen in the dead of winter. It's not that bad...really. I'm just exaggerating.

We are truly lucky since we have a great community who have embraced us and the goal of the coffeehouse.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How to Grow a Business while staying Sane

Well, we have made it a year at our new location on Vernor & Scotten in SouthWest Detroit. Check-out our Facebook page it describes who we are in detail. Just to keep it short, it's been challenging year but we are still standing strong. Our focus is to grow our business into something truly profitable and something that continues to reflect the diverse community where we are based. So the how F#%k do you do that?

Excuse my French, the coffee is strong and brewed in Detroit so I tend to use vibrant and strong language as reflection of both. I'm a hot-headed Latina if you haven't guessed it already with a mission to promote latin drinks into the mainstream and show off my hood..If you can hang on, perhaps we can make this adventure of growing the only Latin Coffeehouse in Detroit into something more than what we already have done .

Any ideas are well received and be can be sent to the following email:
